Did you know research shows 80% gain their weight back within 1-year?!
This is 𝐍𝐎𝐓 okay!😠 All that hard work, and then it all comes back? This is why the weight loss industry stays intact!
Coming from someone who is just starting a business with a weight loss program, I'm sure this sounds like I'm telling you my dirty little secret of how I'm going to build my business around the 80%-ers!
It's quite the opposite, I assure you! I am bound and determined to help my clients be a part of the 20%--ACTUALLY no, I am bound and determined to reverse the statistics and make it an 80% success rate!
There is science behind why this happens and strategies you can take to ensure this doesn't happen. Weight loss can mystifying...do I do Keto, low-carb, low-fat, paleo, one of the pre-packaged food weight loss approaches?😱...oh my
I'm in the process of building a 6 week online course to show you how to lose weight (for good), feel energized, and gain the confidence to pursue your dreams.
I call it the Wellness Shifted Weight Loss and Health Transformation Program! Be on the lookout for more information SOON!👀💃
